
NEW: Search-option THEMES extended ... and more!

NEW: On the page ARTWORKS (All works) it is now possible to search not only one but multiple THEMES in combination! Now an artwork that contains various THEMES can be searched by combining them. When the multiple search of THEMES does not show any result, this combination does not exist.

NEW: Find further information in the very artwork which shows an (i) on the lower right of the image displayed on the overview-page: Quotes, references to "Related artworks", information by the editors.


IMPORTANT FOR USERS: * displays the artist’s archives on its homepage in alphabetical order. Each archive starts with the VITA of the artist. The folder ARTWORKS starts showing “Only Highlights”: Click “All works” to see the full inventory! We suggest to sort by DATING; all titles in the very year will be shown in alphabetical order. - Use “Search...”, to find text, title or year.

Screen in ARTWORKS, MEDIA and THEMES (a combination of verious themes is possible!) and specify your research. Select to display 25, 50 or 100 artworks per page. Select to display LIST or GRID and the size of the images. Explore also EXHIBITIONS, LITERATURE, public COLLECTIONS, TEXTS and METHODS.

Click the Home-Button (logo on upper left) to return to the home page. - The editing of all the Catalogues Raisonnés is in progress, the catalogues are constantly updated. Please, don’t hesitate to inform us about corrections, additions.